Mr. Brown’s engagement with the audience is truly remarkable. He was able to take a subject that is daunting to so many people and make it actually fun and having people engaged long after the event.

We have had Chris in to speak at our Spark Marriage Conference and his keynote session on finances was the most engaging session and by far the one with the best reviews from our participants! Chris was able to connect with our audience because he wasn’t afraid to be vulnerable and talk about his own journey with finances. We will have him back and we encourage you to do the same!

Chris Brown was at a gathering for men in our church. As an engaging speaker, Chris brought his strategic thinking on Biblical principles and financial management to our men in such a way that we were all motivated to take our personal management to the next level. But more than that, he modeled the impact a generous lifestyle can have on our lives, personally and professionally.

A combination of personal integrity, unique gifting and a stunning testimony is the package you get with my friend of over a decade, Chris Brown. I’ve worked alongside him as we led a multi-sit mega church together in Florida & I’ve tapped him regularly for consulting as I’ve led a thriving church in Alabama. In both cases, Chris has been a valuable source of wisdom, creativity & encouragement.

Whatever room he is in, Chris Brown will be one of of the most strategic minds in the room! His experience both in the ministry and in the marketplace has made him a great consultant, but Chris is also a gifted communicator and does so with whit, energy, humor, and inspiration. Proud to call him friend!

Chris Brown is a dynamic communicator who brings authenticity, encouragement and tremendous value any time he is around. He recently spoke for us on the topic of stewardship and intentional living, and our church will never be the same! Since that time, hundreds have started their journey towards financial freedom and MANY of them are now debt free!

Chris served our congregation so well. He is more than a crazy gifted speaker. He shared masterfully from God’s Word while opening up his life’s story in an authentic way that deeply touched the congregation. Westside folks are all over me to bring him back. That’s definitely going to happen.

Chris Brown crushed it when he came to Shoreline City! He connected so very well with our church family. His kindness, wisdom, humor and authenticity pushed all of us forward. There are many things I appreciated about Chris. But one thing that stands out: He talked with us, not at us. And that put His love for Jesus and people on full display! He’s the REAL Chris Brown to me!